Benefits for the industry partner


Engage in an advanced-level doctoral program at the distinguished, technically-focused University of Stuttgart, renowned for its cutting-edge research and academic excellence.

6 Reasons for Collaborating with the University of Stuttgart for a Doctorate with Professional Experience

  1. Exceptional academic supervision for scientifically challenging topics, even for candidates who did not study at the University of Stuttgart.
  2. Networking opportunities within the academic community.
  3. Competitive advantage in attracting the finest talent.
  4. Qualification and retention of suitable employees with the potential to advance their companies in the chosen field of expertise.
  5. Preparation of doctoral candidates for future leadership roles through interdisciplinary training.
  6. Synergy between applied science and fundamental research, fostering the selection of appropriate future employees.


This image shows Antje Lohmüller

Antje Lohmüller

Dr. rer. nat.

Koordinatorin DPP-Biotech

[Image: Universität Stuttgart]

This image shows Oliver Seifert

Oliver Seifert

Dr. rer. nat.

Koordinator DPP-Biotech

[Image: Universität Stuttgart]

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